I am not worthy (of good things)
Week 4: Five thoughts that are ruining your life - and how to change them
Happy Friday, Intentionalists!
Continuing with our theme of five thoughts that are ruining your life, let’s look at thought number 4: I am not worthy (Of good things, a good life, of love etc)
This is a destructive belief that seems to embed itself in even the most marvellous of people. It destroys both happiness and human potential and often makes no logical sense.
Today we are prying it open, exposing the lie and replacing it with a much more inspiring thought: Not just that you are worthy but that you are an amazing light-beam who deserves all the good life has to offer.
Grab your pen and journal and let’s get going!
1. In what ways do you consider yourself unworthy?
E.g. Something in your past behaviour makes you think that you are unworthy of a good life now, you believe you don’t come up to some societal standard of beauty or status etc
2. What is the origin of this belief?
E.g. Was it a parent or other authority figure who made you feel this way? Were you born into an impoverished family? Were you bullied at school? Or is it coming from messages you’ve received through advertising and social media?
3. Do any of the people or systems above deserve the power over your sense of worthiness that you are giving them today?
Hint: It’s okay to get angry at this point. Anger can be the firestarter of the revolution of your own self-worth.
4. Imagine if somebody you deeply loved thought that they weren’t worthy of a good life because of messages they have received. What if they couldn’t forgive themselves because of something they did in the past? What would you say to them?
Can you say the same thing to yourself? Write it down.
5. What would your life be like today if you considered yourself to be worthy and deserving of a wonderful life? How would you feel? Who would you be keeping company with? Who would you drop from your life? What sort of things would you be doing?
Now go out and make those things happen! You decide whether you are worthy or not – so decide in your favour!
Did you miss the first three weeks of our Five Thoughts That Are Ruining Your Life – and How to Change Them series?
Catch up here ↓:
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I release the need for validation from others
I love and value myself
I am worthy of all the good things life has to offer
I create a great life for myself now
(Say or write out slowly and mindfully ten times)
Over the coming festive period, you may find yourself wishing to exclaim an expletive or two. But what can you say when there are little ears around?
How about:
Sounds funny. Looks funny. Works for shock, surprise or irritation.
Then you can geek out on the etymology of the word. It's said to have come from God's hooks (meaning the nails in the crucifixion of Jesus). And BECAUSE of that, it was once considered a swear word. What more could you need?
Did you know all swear words came from taboos? Back in old times, religious taboos were the biggest of all taboos on taboo mountain.
Pretty satisfying. If you ever happen to time-travel back to the 14th century and spout that, just know that it's basically the equivalent of saying f**k these days.
Even as recently as 1939, it was a big deal. You’ll know the line:
'Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn!'
Whether you have seen the iconic film Gone with the Wind or not.
Well, they had to FIGHT for damn to be included, even though they were actually honouring the text. In the book, it’s:
'My dear, I don't give a damn'
In 1930 the Motion Picture Production Code (known as the Hays Code) was introduced to stamp out filth from the innocent eyes of the viewing public. Before then, you'd have seen a damn or two pop up on a silent movie card … and even hell!
Imagine if instead, that line was:
‘I don't give a hoot’
’Frankly, my dear, it has become of no concern to me’
’My indifference is boundless’
’It makes my gorge rise’
’Frankly, my dear, I don't care’
Which were all on the table.
Producer David O. Selznick had had a gutful at this point and wrote a strongly worded letter (the best kind) to Will H. Hays, president of the Motion Picture Producers, hence the name, and managed to GET A DAMN!
And lastly, my favourite:
Amusing for little ears (and big).
Try shouting that word in anger. The hard G sound at the start makes it sound hilarious when really, truly spat with some venom.
Be an intentionalist.
Belinda & Kelly XX
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