Why subscribe?
Each week we share prompt questions, calls to action and affirmations to get you feeling great and living life like you mean it!
Some are for self-discovery, others help overcome blocks and negative thinking. But the underlying purpose of the newsletter is to get you feeling great about your life right now.
Watch out for Kelly’s bonus ‘Silly bit’ because life is too short to be serious all the time.
We suggest writing your responses in a journal so you can refer back to them and measure your progress.
To live intentionally is to live life on purpose. While goal-setting and intention-setting are related, they’re not the same thing.
Setting a goal is about taking action
Setting an intention is a conscious decision about how you are going to show up in the world – that is, who you’re being
You can set a goal to travel the world, but to become an adventurous, bold, daring or curious person is an intention.
Take a look at our publication archives.
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